Inspired by Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Diet" and Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food," we want to experience the vegan lifestyle to improve our health, boycott animal suffering, and reduce our carbon footprint.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sista visits

All felt right with the world again. My sis was back in CA with me!  We went to work together, hiked, ran, wine-tasted, shopped, and sang.  We're even taking several of the same supplements recommended by our nutritionist.  Peas in a pod.

Friday Eating Journal:
8:15 - oatmeal
9:30 - cherries
12:30 - salad, curried rice
2:30 - dark chocolate
3:30 - nori strips
6:00 - garlic sweet potato fries, beer, portobello and veggie sandwich

To save money and be healthy on our travel Sunday, we picked up some provisions at Trader Joes and made pita sandwiches.  The nice man at the Santa Rosa Farmers Market gave us free wheat pitas, so we felt inspired to make delicious pita pockets.  Additionally, I was excited to use my first roma tomatoes of the season!  We slathered on some spicy jalepeno/roasted red pepper hummus, shoved in some avocado, sliced cucumbers, micro-greens, and then sis sprinkled some goat cheese on hers.  They were fantastic.  Plus, they saved us from buying two $8 sandwiches for airport lunch and dinner.
My quick trip to NYC has ended, so I head back to SFO - again.

Friday, June 25, 2010

We're back in business

You may have noticed that my blog posts have appeared a little bland lately.  Well, I accidentally smashed my beautiful Nexus One phone on the bike trail last week and had to send it to HTC for repairs.  I'm happy to report that it's back in my hands after 3 days of separation.  Let the colorful photos continue...
Eating Journal
10:00 - Kashi cereal with banana and soy milk
12:30 - salad, curried veggies and dahl, sauteed pea greens
4:30 - granola, Tcho dark chocolate
6:00 - 1/2 veggie sandwich with avocado, cucumber, roasted red pepper
8:00 - brownie bite

Thursday, June 24, 2010

30 West

If you really know me, it's clear that I need to be the center of attention. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
In my metaphorical role in life's show, I'm pleased if I just get on the Playbill for helping make the props, while the lead is collecting rose bouquets on stage.  Basically, I'm a behind-the-scenes girl.  So when my sister and I were asked to be featured in a newly launched WI magazine called 30 West, I had my reservations.  This is just the added encouragement I need to tone up a bit for our photo shoot for our "Google Sisters" feature.  If it's not a total disaster, you may find it in the newsstands of your nearest Piggly Wiggly this Fall. Get excited!

Eating Journal
8:45 - blackberries
9:30 - oatmeal
11:00 - cherries
12:30 - brown rice with curried veggies, roasted kohlrabi, salad
1:30 - Dairy Queen ice cream cake (I was in 6th grade again - amazing)
4:30 - handful of granola
8:30 - 2 pieces of Paxti's Chicago-style pizza (wheat crust, onions, mushrooms, no cheese), Hoegaarden beer

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My yoga class this morning greatly parallels my current life struggle.  The battle of my mind versus my body.  In some twisted version of the "chair" pose, my legs were on fire and screaming at me to knock it off.  My mind yelled back, "I can't give up now! The class will see me fail and think that I don't have what it takes to be a yogi!"  Mind won.  Parallel struggle: my body craves sugar!  My mind shouts the Kate Moss mantra, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." ha!  Too bad my body wins that battle much of the time...probably because it thinks Kate Moss is pathetic and not worth listening to.  Ideas for a new mantra?

Eating Journal
7:15 - blackberries
9:30 - oatmeal
12:15 - 3 strawberries and 4 grapes
1:30 - white beans, tofu, barley, mixed fruit, beets, salad
4:00 - handful of granola
7:00 - roasted beets and radishes

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I forgive you

It turns out that I'm my worst critic.  (Although I could've sworn it was my manager..."You're an evil plant murderer!" "You're going to let Jen get away with that? You're too nice! Negotiate harder! I'm unimpressed.")  Even when I'm healthy and doing good things 90% of the time, I still harp on myself for that 10% that falters.  Although I'm struggling with being at peace with who I am right now, I'm slowly learning to tell myself, "I forgive you. And, by the way, you're hot."

Related blog posts:
"Banish self doubt and unleash your awesomeness"
"Accepting imperfection is only half the battle"

Eating Journal
9:00 - oatmeal with flax seed, raisins and dried blueberries, cinnamon, granola
10:30 - cherries
12:00 - seitan carraccio, roasted broccolini, salad
3:15 - grapes
5:00- mini wrap (red lentils and greens and mustard in whole wheat tortilla)
7:30 - babaganoush with pita
9:00 - blackberries

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."
-my man John Muir

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Laura is MIA.

What have I been up to if I'm too busy to blog?
hiking, eating, bowling...the usual.

My new favorite phrase: "dirt candy."  Courtesy of a NYC restaurant focused on veggies!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm still not blogging from NYC

For real.

Ok, I'm a broken record: NYC HAS THE BEST FOOD IN THE WORLD.  And they have the best collection of vegan restaurants ever recorded (that's your Laura fact of the day).  Check out this site that rates each restaurant based on vegan-ness!  It guided me to "Caravan of Dreams" in the East Village - score!  I enjoyed the Live Sampler - everything was fresh, vegan, and raw (flax chips, avocado, mango, jicima, daikon, greens with lemon-basil dressing, and stuffed tomatoes).  Kathleen was a brave and supportive friend, and she ended up really liking her sweet potato ravioli with nut cream.
Then we braved the windy, chilly, rainy streets of "alphabet city" and sought out Lula's Sweet Apothecary, which is pretty much the only vegan ice cream parlor I've ever heard of.  And. It. Was. GLORIOUS.  Everything is vegan - even the toppings - and they make all the ice creams from cashew cream (they make on site) or coconut milk or a combo of the two.  It tasted like the most amazing creamy decadent ice cream ever.  The peanut butter fudge was seriously heaven on a Wednesday.  Another perk of this place (man this non-blog-post is really turning into a Yelp review), was the old-fashioned radio music floating around the tiny parlor; it reminded me of the AM radio station that Grandpa plays in the barn.  Classy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm not blogging from NYC

Yup, here I am, not blogging from NYC.  I'm not blogging from NYC.   I'm too busy to blog from NYC.  I'm here on business and do not have any time to blog or keep a food journal.  Don't cry.  I'll be back in CA on Wednesday - or Thursday.  We'll see how busy I am not blogging that maybe I can go home when planned.

-Laura, signing off from my non-blog-post.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baby update

My babies are growing up so fast!  The roma tomatoes (on the store-bought plant) are beginning to turn red, and my Early Girl tomato plant (grown from a seed!) has its first baby tomato and many flowers on it.  The basil in the office is doing great and the basil outside is deciding to turn it's life around - for the better.  I'm starting over on some onion, green pepper, and rosemary seeds.
I knew you were dying for an update.

10:00 - banana with peanut butter, blueberries
12:45 - lelftover stir fry with tempeh, green beans, snap peas, mushrooms, kelp noodles, broccoli
2:00 - roasted sweet potatoes and plantain
4:30 - roasted beets, handful of cereal
6:30 - roasted cauliflower and carrots, 5 Kashi wheat crackers
7:15 - nori strips
8:00 - peanut butter - straight up

Knowledge is power

After taking Nutritional Science 101 in college, I never thought I'd have to read another nutri sci book again.  I'm usually not hard-core-science minded, which is why I took the business route so far in life.  But apparently, I have a nerdy science side of me begging to be unearthed!  If you were to look at my Mountain View Library check-out history or my blog roll or who I follow on Twitter, you would find a geeky crunchy granola.  And you would want to be best friends with her.  And you'd want her to be your Health Coach.

So what sorts of topics am I reading in my spare time?  Well, besides the Twilight series books, I'm learning about phytoestrogens, bio-availability of calcium for absorption, the effects of pasteurization on enzymes, and the strong correlation between animal protein intake and cancer risk.  Yes, you definitely want to hang out with me.

9:30 - blueberries
11:30 - banana with peanut butter
1:45 - roasted beets, cauliflower, and carrots
2:30 - sweet potato chips
4:15 - dry Kashi cereal
7:00 - mixed greens with sandwich (avocado, tomato, cucumber, sprouts, red onions & dijon on ciabatta bread), glass of red wine
10:00 - almonds

Friday, June 4, 2010

biking = hungry!

8:00 - blueberries
9:15 - blueberry/mango/pineapple/orange smoothie, grapes, oatmeal
12:00 - spinach tortilla with white bean hummus, portobello, basil, peppers
12:45 - soba noodles with mushroom and asparagus; golden beets and arugula salad, bok choy and radish stir fry
4:00 - granola
5:00 - black lentils and greens wrapped in wheat tortilla with mustard
6:30 - apple
8:00 - roasted cauliflower, carrots, and beets; saltines

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Skin report

I would like to report that my "facialist" thinks my face looks so much better since I started taking supplements!  I'm pleased.

8:15 - blueberries
9:00 - oatmeal with flax seed, cinnamon, granola, raisins
12:15 - black and white beans, rice, salsa, guacamole, chips
1:00 - mini Soy Delicious ice cream sandwich
4:30 - carrot
5:30 - roasted carrots, green cauliflower, beets
6:30 - 1T peanut butter

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I love snacking.  Thankfully, I've been choosing decent snacks lately - last week when I was stressed I was a magnet for chocolate.  It is OK to graze all day, as long as they're little portions and healthy.  However, I need to become more comfortable with feeling hunger - it's allowed.
Can I brag about how colorful my diet is?  May I?  Please??

8:00 - blueberries
8:30 - oatmeal with flaxseed, granola, raisins, cinnamon
11:15 - bbq chips
1:00 - roasted beets, zucchini, white beans, carrots, peas, linguini, wheat pita chip with cucumber, watercress
3:30 - pomegranate red tea with goji berry HonesTea
4:45 - apple
5:30 - carrot, leftover stir fry
7:00 - lots of watermelon (it's been awhile), pretzels

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Super Food - to the rescue!

As you've noticed, I've taken a liking to chia seeds.  They are the latest and greatest "super food" to hit the mainstream market, and they are a great addition to banana ice cream.  Thanks for sharing this article, Becky!
Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids and also provide soluble fiber, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants and other nutrients. The soluble fiber helps slow digestion so your blood sugar remains more stable after eating and you feel fuller longer.

9:15 - oatmeal with flax, golden raisins, granola, cinnamon, almonds
12:15 - Asian Wrap (Enoki Mushrooms, Butter Lettuce, Shredded Carrots, Mung Bean Sprouts, Sweet Miso Vinaigrette), roasted broccoli, sauteed kale/onions/raisins
1:15 - cabbage, black lentils 
5:30 - sweet potato chips
6:30 - leftover stir fry
10:45 - carrot