Inspired by Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Diet" and Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food," we want to experience the vegan lifestyle to improve our health, boycott animal suffering, and reduce our carbon footprint.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

And the winner is....

Atlas Cafe!  Not only do they supply the yummiest vegan desserts - courtesy of "Vegan Treats" - but they have the most extensive menu of vegan foods I have ever seen.  All of their walls are covered in menu options, granted it is a tiny restaurant/take-out place with 7 tables.  Their cupcakes had great presentation (lemon had the pink flower, peanut butter cup had the chocolate top layer with brown lines, cookies 'n cream had the half vegan oreo on top), the frosting was sweet and delicious, and the cake didn't fall apart or taste weird.
Baby Cakes Bakery? Fail. Crumbly and the frosting tasted like butter - ironic?
Sacred Chow? Fail. Not enough frosting, cake tasted like pound cake.
S'nice? Semi-fail. Red velvet didn't really taste like chocolate and the frosting - of course - was not cream cheese.
LifeThyme Natural Foods? Semi-fail (although their sweet potato cupcake frosting was spicy and yummy.)

<--View from my room at The Standard Hotel (the big building in the right foreground houses the Google offices).

Day 23 Food Journal:
-trail mix, dried fruit, peanut butter babies (thanks again, Mom!)
-spinach/mushroom soup and grainy bread at Atlas Cafe
-thin crust wheat crust pizza with tomato sauce, mushrooms, and onions
-equivalent of 3 cupcakes since I mostly ate the frosting and left the cakey bits

Shannon Update: she is swamped with work and is still happily vegan!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back in the snow

I will argue that New York City has the best food in the world.  Anyone dare to dispute this?  People from all over the world have settled in NYC and brought their culture's unique flavors with them.  In this city, there is something for everyone.  Even my favorite grocery store here Westside Market has an entire vegan prepared foods section.  After sitting on the subway for several hours today, getting glances from creepy men, and nearly ruining my boots by sloshing through snow and puddles, I am still always happy to return to this great city.

Day 22 Food Journal:
-trail mix, peanut butter babies, apple
-hummus, whole wheat pita
-mushroom & barley soup, orange, banana chips

Friday, February 26, 2010

NYC bound!

I'm on my way to NYC for work, and despite the snow storm there, I'm very excited!  Why?  Well, I'll tell you:
1) I get to see my friends!
2) shopping (ie. Uniqlo, Darling, Madewell)
3) vegan cupcake tasting with Becky, Bettina, and Kathleen

After last year's NYC Cupcake-Off, the participants swore off sugar indefinitely (I think I lasted a week).  I pretty much wanted to die.  You should know that cupcake-offs are not all fun and games and pink frosting. It is serious business and not for the faint of heart or hypoglycemics. I'm particularly excited to check out Sweet Cheeks Bakery.

Day 21 Food Journal (3 weeks down!!):
-oatmeal; mushrooms, spinach, broccoli
-white bean soup, salad
-popcorn, dark chocolate, diet coke (it was a stressful day, OK?!)
-brown rice, broccoli, carrots, celery, mushrooms; "peanut butter babies" that Mom made me for my half bday!
-homemade trail mix

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Avoiding the munchies

I am not content when I'm the slightest bit hungry.  As soon as I feel the tiniest of hunger pains, my focus shifts in search of food. "Must munch," I tell myself.  I should drink more tea instead.  Can you have too much herbal tea?  I already drink 1-2 cups a day.

Day 20 Food Journal:
-oatmeal; mushrooms & spinach
-small chai latte with rice milk
-salad (my salad's always include quinoa), curried veggies
-popcorn, apple
-raw veggies, apple, almonds, peanut butter, kiwi

Katherine: Still failing at veganism....

I suppose I have not actually failed at veganism, as I have remained loyal to avoiding animal products, but it hasn't been pretty.  My vegan blogging will be honest and not nearly as perky as Laura and Shannon.  I am a cheese lover of MASSIVE proportion, so I cant say that I've stopped craving my mound of cottage cheese every day.  I miss chocolate/PB combos. I miss goat cheese.  I also miss the wonderfully prepared meat/cheese options that my chef at work prepares.  But I do LOVE how light and healthy I feel at all times.  Even after an enormous meal, I don't ever get to the "sick" full that I used to after eating meat and dairy. 

Unfortunately, my debut post on this blog will be short and sweet.  Starting this vegan shenanigans during a very stressful time in my work life has led to some very interesting situations.  Between frequent trips to the bathroom, blood sugar spikes, and simply not having enough has been hard to endure.  Coconut water, V8, mango chips, and almonds are basically the only snacks at work I can have, so if I didn't remember to pack something, morning hunger can get a bit unbearable.  My manager told me that she hates managing vegans for their frequent moodiness.  It may be coincidence, but there were a few days this week that I think I fit that description as I fought to not pass out from hunger.

Also, being a vegan requires a significant amount of time and money spent cooking or at least in planning in order to achieve a sufficient amount of nourishment.  Not having the time or energy to put into this this last week and  half has caused me to get a bit frustrated with my options.  My fault completely. 

So after tomorrow, it is my intent to print recipes, buy groceries, and be a REAL, happy, well-fed vegan.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Avoiding the cookie

Ok, I'll give you all a break and get off my soap box for the day. :-)  However, I would like to give myself a public pat on the back for donating my 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that my manager made me purchase from his daughter.  We're talking Samoas and Tagalongs, people.  OMG.  But at 75 cal/cookie (which are smaller than I remember), I'm happy I passed on them.

Tips for buying cheap organic foods.

Day 19 Food Journal:
-kiwi, Kashi Heart to Heart cereal, rice milk, banana
-white bean soup, salad
-100% vegetable juice
-apple with peanut butter; red wine with a couple tortilla chips
-roasted eggplant, 3 phyllo dough veggie briwatts, lentil salad (all at Morocco's in San Jose)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Avoiding the stone

A friend of mine recently went through a horrific kidney stone experience.  First question I asked: "how can I prevent that from happening to me?!?!"  Besides drinking 10 glasses of water each day and eating potassium and magnesium-rich foods, the other advice is to avoid animal products. Granted, a certain type of kidney stone can be avoided by eating less of some vegetables and beans, but it's generally agreed that meat, dairy, sugar, and caffeine (diuretic) increase the likelihood of kidney stones.  Learn more about kidney stones here and DRINK MORE WATER!

Day 18 Food Journal:
-oatmeal; mushrooms, broccoli, spinach
-salad, tiny chunk of bread, Somersault snack pack
-dark chocolate, roasted almonds
-red wine; broccoli, celery, carrots, mushrooms, brown rice, peanut butter, basil, red pepper flakes, garlic (random combination, I know, but it was so tasty! Could you tell that I was cleaning out the fridge?)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Meatless Mondays

Consuming meat can contribute to animal suffering, pollution, world hunger, disease, and global warming.  Take a moment to let that settle in...
If you can stomach it (ha), check out these sites that explore my bold statement.

Eating vegetarian - even one day per week - can help reduce the negative effects of meat consumption.  Enter: Meatless Mondays!

Paul McCartney says, “If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That’s the single most important thing you could do.”  How can you ignore Sir Paul of the Beatles?? ;-)

Day 17 Food Journal:
-oatmeal; mushrooms & spinach
-whole wheat tortilla, sauteed veggies, guacamole, salsa, black beans
-kelp noodles, onions, red peppers, mushrooms, broccoli; red wine
-Angela's butternut squash & pineapple treat

HIGH-FIVE to Katherine and Beth for being vegan for 40 days, Cassie and Kelly for going meatless for 40 days, and Bob & Kathy for doing Meatless Mondays indefinitely (starting today)!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where do they get their protein?

When people learn that I'm vegan, they often ask where I get my protein?  Firstly, there are many sources of protein in the vegan diet: beans, grains, nuts, tofu, vegetables, etc.  Here is a link comparing common sources of protein and their iron amount.  Second, many Americans actually get too much protein, which can lead to obesity, osteoporosis or kidney disease.  Somewhere between 15% and 30% of your daily calories should come from protein.  Here is a sample diet demonstrating where a vegan gets her protein.

Day 16 Food Journal:
-banana with peanut butter
-chips with salsa and leftover curry veggies, kiwi
-red wine, kelp noodles** with onions, red pepper, mushroom, broccoli, red pepper flakes, peanut butter, tamari (AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS!!)
-Purely Decadent vanilla coconut ice cream

**Kelp noodles are a great alternative to pasta because they're low-cal (24 calories in the whole package!), contain fiber, calcium, and iron, and have a neutral taste (not fishy!).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gaining by giving up

By giving up animal products, I hope to gain strength and years to my life.  Vegans tend to live longer - as do most people who don't eat a Western diet.

For Christians who celebrate Lent, many give up something dear to their hearts during the 40 days leading to Easter, in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice for us.  Common "sacrifices" these days are giving up sweets, soda, or swearing - things that are tough to avoid or refuse and that we're addicted to and crave.  This year I have a friend who gave up meat, and my sister and her friend gave up all animal products.  Since I have already done that and don't consider this lifestyle to sacrifice anything of value to me, I have given up something that I enjoy every day.  Something that makes me smile, keeps me connected, lets me express myself, and drains much of my precious time:  Facebook.  Initiated because my account was hacked and has been spamming my friends, telling them they should join a weight loss group with me, I deactivated my account.  Hopefully, in 37 days I will reactivate my account, change my password, and still have a social life.  In the meanwhile, I'll rediscover how our culture functioned socially pre-Facebook.
Maybe I should have given up running....

Day 15 Food Journal:
-apple, peanut butter; wheat tortilla with tofu, salsa, onion, red pepper
-leftover pizza slice
-wheat tortilla, potato/bamboo curry; red wine, Pure Decadence ice cream
-Angela's awesome vegan dessert (butternut squash, pineapple, pecans)

Why eat processed foods when Mother Nature gives us beautiful, fresh food?

Here is a tour of my groceries this week:

These are processed, but if you read the label they are vegan and there are very few ingredients (nice to have around when I need to eat something quick):

My version of an edible arrangement... It's SO pretty:

There has been no cheating since my encounter with a piece of salmon sashimi. I continue to have few cravings and when I do have a craving a cup of tea often helps. I went out with girlfriends last night and after a couple of drinks they ordered pizza - I had no problem turning it down. Yay for me!

Friday, February 19, 2010

2 weeks down, a lifetime to go!

Two weeks into this eight week experiment, and I'm feeling good.  I'd like to think that this will end up as a permanent lifestyle adjustment. In addition to the many benefits that will come of this, I have learned so much about being a vegan and how to live my life with less of a carbon footprint. Also, I've discovered new foods that I would never have considered eating (ie. daikon, kelp noodles, pearl barley, soy cheese, Earth Balance "butter," and trumpet mushrooms!)

Day 14 Food Journal:
-oatmeal; mushrooms & spinach
-chili, salad
-2 diet cokes, apple
-2 slices of Patxi's Chicago-style pizza - vegan style!!  Soy cheese, whole wheat crust, mushrooms, onions. DELICIOUS! red wine, pilsner beer

Getting heckled

As I've mentioned before, it feels wonderful to receive support from friends and family.  Thanks to everyone who has voiced encouragement, made thoughtful accommodations for my needs, or passed along yummy recipes or helpful sites!

There have also been some neighsayers who have been heckling me for my stance. "Veganism is not sustainable for any long period of time." "All the vegetarians and vegans that I know look unhealthy." "You don't think the plants have feelings too?! Poor Parsley."
To these people I say:
It is possible to fail at being a vegan. A "vegan" (or omnivore, for that matter) who doesn't eat a variety of fresh, unprocessed foods in moderation has an increased risk of being overweight and prone to illness.  A "vegetarian" who eats cheese pizza, french fries, potato chips, ice cream, and Doritos daily probably doesn't feel or look healthy. There are many people who are vegan for the majority of their lives. It is possible to thrive as a vegan - there are countries and cultures who revolve around a vegan lifestyle.  As for the feelings of the plants, they have told me they are without emotion and indifferent to getting eaten. What? You haven't heard the grass whisper to you?

Day 13 Food Journal:
-oatmeal, .5 kiwi, mushrooms & spinach
-chili, salad, yam
-falafel wrap, orange

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Finding my center

I am a tad stressed at work.  For much of the afternoon, I couldn't help dreaming about cooking with my fridge remnants.  Then, I tapped into my inner Julia Child and concocted an amazing feast - with some leftover!  Cubed tofu, onion, red pepper sauteed with salsa and sprinkled with fresh tomato and basil placed in a warm whole wheat tortilla.  With my red wine glass in hand and apron tied around my waist, I felt much calmer instantly.

I've received great support from many friends and family so far.  Angela likes to remind me why I've made a smart decision (see right).  This is Why You're Fat.

Day 13 Food Journal:
-oatmeal with dried fruit; mushrooms, onions, broccoli
-vegan chili, salad, roasted brussel sprouts
-Diet Dr. Pepper
-herb slab with olive oil & balsamic; 2 whole wheat tortillas with tofu, onion, red pepper, tomato, salsa; red wine
-4th meal: sorbet with carob chips, strawberry, mochi; nectarine

My New Best Friend: Kale

A great snack or compliment to any meal. Here's an excellent way to make it:

- Cut the woody stems out from the center of the leaf
- Roll the leaves up and cut 1/4" strips
- Toast almond slivers or pine nuts over medium heat in pan (be sure not to burn them, they should brown though)
- Steam the kale for three minutes then remove from heat and put in bowl
- Dress kale with salt, pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and toasted nuts and toss together

Check out how healthy it is for you too! 1 cup packs a HUGE punch:

Soooooo good. Yum!

Mardi Gras

Shannon and I started out this experiment with the primary goal of living a vegan lifestyle for our health and the health of the environment.  Any other positive result would be a bonus.  So far, I would consider this experiment to be highly successful.  Not only have we been happily vegan for nearly two weeks, but we've reduced pollution, saved animal lives, felt healthy, and increased awareness about veganism to the 250 people who've checked out our blog.  We've even caught wind of a couple people interested in trying veganism now too!

Day 12 Food Journal:
-oatmeal, .5 kiwi, small strawberry/mango smoothie
-vegan chili, salad, .17 oz dark chocolate
-diet coke (I admit it)
-leftover veggies with spelt pasta, sorbet with carob chips and mochi, popcorn, red wine (it was Mardi Gras, OK???)

Shannon: Overweight and Vegan?

Ok, so I thought that once I became a vegan any excess weight on my body would just melt off me. Initially I lost three pounds, but since then I've stopped losing weight. I know that I don't have much to lose and that I'm at a very healthy weight, but I think we all at times have pictured vegans as gaunt and way too skinny and incapable of maintaining a healthy layer of fat. This is not the case for me :) So far I feel my body is thriving and somedays I might be eating just a tad too much.

So far so good on this diet. My dog has enjoyed samplings of all the foods I'm eating too! He's my sous-chef in the kitchen.

This week I've been craving naughty foods a bit more, but those cravings go away quickly and I can easily stay on track.

Nothing else to report right now....

Monday, February 15, 2010

I am a lobster

Lisa and I spent the day at the beach and are lobster red.  Awesome.  Want to know the good news of the day?  Whole Foods has an excellent vegan baked goods selection!  yay!

Day 11 Food Journal:
-banana with peanut butter
-herb slab Acme bread with olive oil (thanks Shannon and Kelly!) and balsamic vinegar
-wheat berries, red onions, craisins, kale (from Whole Foods), Frey red wine, vegan choco chip oatmeal cookie
-bites of paratha from yesterday, whole wheat tortilla, Smart Ground, black beans, red pepper, onion, lettuce, tomato, salsa, guacamole (far less than usual)

Food for Thought (ha ha): Reconsider the Food Pyramid...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I feel spoiled!

Am I missing out on anything scrumptious? Do I feel devoid of yummy food options?  Yes and no.
Yes, I have been missing out on scrumptious things - I haven't let you hear the end of it, right?  Cupcakes, froyo, milk chocolate treats, birthday cake, baked goods -everywhere. ha! I clearly have a sweet tooth.  Thanks, Mom.  But the foods that I'm missing the most are the worst for me any way! I should feel better without all those sweets and fat in my life.  Although, admittedly, there is still a bit of sugar in my life, but not nearly as much as usual. (By the way, standard cane sugar is considered by some to be non-vegan, since it's processed with trace amounts of animal bone/carbon. Choose "raw sugar" options.)
No, I do not feel devoid of yummy foods. Have you been reading my food journal? Delicious, right?  I've been eating like a queen and probably need to cut back. Can you say "guacamole OD?"  When I'm surrounded by fresh, tasty, non-processed foods, it's like eating vegan gourmet all day every day. YUM!

Also, GREETINGS to the 200+ visitors who've checked out our blog!  Welcome and feel free to comment, encourage, question, and inspire! I'm just learning as I go....

Day 10 Food Journal:
-apple, peanut butter, kukicha tea
-Ridge Vineyards wine tasting, spinach paratha, jalepeno chutney, chickpea curry mixture
-chips and guacamole, Angela's vegan apple crisp, orange

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Completely vegan?

You're thinking..."So what if they eat vegan?  They still wear leather shoes and tote leather handbags. What hypocrites!"
Actually, any progress is progress. So I choose to applaud any step in the right direction - even baby steps.  Not supporting the massive beef industry, for example, is still boycotting animal cruelty to some degree.  Also, remember how our ancestors wore animal skins? They were resourceful and used all parts of the animals they killed.  I like to think that the animals YOU are eating are also clothing people and not being wasted. I'll fully acknowledge that I need to research this more, but I will definitely think twice before buying another pair of leather boots...
I also want to investigate vegan cosmetics and skin care products. 

Day 9 Food Journal:
-orange, Kukicha tea
-whole wheat tortilla, Mexican style Smart Ground, onion, red pepper, mushrooms, black beans, salsa; blueberries
-"Endangered Species" dark chocolate with cacao nibs
-chips and salsa
-spelt spaghetti with tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, basil, onion based on this recipe
-popcorn with Earth Balance spread

Shannon: Embracing My Crunchiness

Crunchy, granola, tree hugger... Ok, I like that label! I feel lighter and more energetic with my new lifestyle so people can call me anything they want - all that matters is that I feel awesome!

By embracing this lifestyle I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders as I no longer have the burden of wondering what kind of suffering happened prior to the food making it to my plate. Certainly there are challenges with eating a plant based diet, but many of those can be overcome by buying locally. I'm still learning how to be an ethical consumer....

I went to the grocery store today to stock up on what I need for the coming week. I was hungry when I shopped and bought too much food. Thank goodness for the freezer!

I have BIG plans for a naughty burger and fries dinner... all vegan!

Damn it feels good to be a vegan :)

Shannon: Keeping Things in Perspective

Nobody is perfect at everything they do including vegans.... and especially new vegans! Laura and I are learning this as we go.

Looking at Laura's blog yesterday it is apparent that she feels guilty for a recent 'dairy' incident. She refers to a cheat day... but it was actually only one cup of froyo. The rest of the day she made healthy choices. Laura - stop beating yourself up... you are a smart, compassionate, HOT vegan and that one cup of froyo is not going to change the impact you're making for yourself and the world around you! Keep rocking it...

So I have to admit that I took a free pass the other night while out for sushi.... my first and only free pass during this two month journey. I ate vegan all day, but had one piece of salmon sashimi at dinner. I used to thoroughly enjoy this little morsel of heaven, but this time around it was only ok. As a vegan I get to indulge in all sorts of other great foods everyday so I'm not craving really any naughty foods. I just chose to be naughty!

Here is a new favorite dish of mine - Fried Udon Noodles - udon noodles, onion, garlic green cabbage, carrots, olive oil, paprika, salt and pepper.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Laura: Guilty

Ever since I ate that vanilla froyo last night - despite its smooth consistency and creamy deliciousness - I have felt terribly guilty and upset with myself.  Even though I decided that I would have one cheat day while my cousin Lisa is visiting since Shannon was going to have a cheat day too, I regretted it.  Yes, the froyo was good....for a couple minutes.  Then I was consumed with guilt for many many many hours afterwards.
Today I received a V-day package from my momma - chocolate peanut butter hugga bugs. I didn't eat one.  I gave them all away to friends and coworkers.  Thanks Mom (she bought them before she knew of this experiment)!
We went to Yogurt Land after seeing a movie tonight, and of course, they didn't have a non-dairy option amongst the 14 self-serve flavors.  Thank goodness for fruit and mochi toppings.

Day 8 Food Journal:
-oatmeal with dried blueberries, cinnamon, granola
-salad with quinoa, roasted carrots, squash, beets, seeds, mushrooms, edamame; pozole soup
-champagne, Buddha rolls with peanut sauce from Xanh
-popcorn, mixed fruit w/ mochi

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Laura: 1 Week as a vegan!

I have thrived for one week as a vegan!  There were tests yesterday that I passed - without feeling majorly deprived!  First was my graduation ceremony from the Google People Operations Rotational Program.  They had Sprinkles Cupcakes. I did not eat them, even though, according to Lisa, they are the best cupcakes in the world.  Second, we visited my favorite froyo place Miyo Yogurt. They had one non-dairy option: fruit punch sorbet. I am proud to say I bypassed my usual vanilla froyo with loads of chocolate candy toppings and was still satisfied!
Day 7 Food Journal:
-whole wheat tortilla, Mexican style Smart Ground, onion, red pepper, mushrooms, black beans, avocado, salsa = YUM (thanks Lis!)
-couscous; parsnips, rutabegas, carrots, escarole, onions; seaweed salad, chili tofu

-banana chips, vegan choco chips
-chips, guacamole, sweet potato fries (the potato looked like a birdie or a 'snipe'), St. Francis Cab Sauv
-CHEAT: small vanilla Yumi Yogurt with hot fudge

What better way to celebrate a week of veganism than to have froyo, right? Busted. I don't want to lie to you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Laura: Too much on my plate - literally

Almost a week into veganism, and I am mostly enjoying this new lifestyle!  The major frustration has been resisting tempting occasional treats, like the Valentine's party, froyo with friends, cupcakes at work parties, etc (see the Sprinkles cupcakes from my Rotation Program graduation ceremony).  However, I am easily finding plenty of yummy vegan foods.  Too much, in fact.  I am woman enough to admit that my portions are too large for what I need.  I will try to front-end load my eating and consume less later in the day.

Day 6 Food Journal:
-oatmeal with dried blueberries, flax, granola; mushrooms, onions, broccoli, ketchup
-veggie burrito on whole wheat tortilla
-handful dried banana chips
-vegetable tofu soup
-sorbet with carob chips, banana, strawberry, mochi; orange

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Laura: I will save money

Is vegan food more expensive?

No. If you buy basic grains, beans, and fresh veggies to make your own meals, you will not break the bank.  Make large batches of food on the weekends, eat throughout the week or freeze some, and you'll have lots of fresh yummy food from the same dime. Want to go out to eat? Order a yummy vegan appetizer, salad, and entree, and you'll probably still pay less than most meat entrees alone.

Of course, if you want a Big Mac, frozen HungryMan dinners, Mac&Cheese, or the Gordita Supreme from T-Bell, you may save a few bucks compared to buying a fresh local vegan meal.  You may also have a heart attack, support animal suffering, gain weight, and/or develop cancer.  Just saying.

"Replacing meat, chicken and fish with vegetables and fruits is estimated to cut food bills by an average of $4,000 a year." -

Check out this article "Go vegetarian to save money"

Day 5 Food Journal:
-oatmeal with granola, flax, cinnamon, dried blueberries; onions, mushrooms, broccoli with organic ketchup 
-vegan posole **, salad with beets, quinoa, squash, pumpkin seeds, roasted mushrooms, chili tofu, edamame
-vegetable tofu soup, kiwi
-Pure Decadence ice cream

Guajillo Chiles, Tomatoes, Hominy, Onions, Garlic, Thyme, Cayenne, Vegetable Stock, Dried Oregano, Seared Tofu, Garnished With Tortilla Chips, Shredded Cabbage, Lemon Wedges, And Chili Oil

Shannon: Crappy foods make me feel like... CRAP!

I'm only a week into my journey and my body has adjusted to the point that it craves only healthy, unprocessed, plant based material. When I drink wine or beer or eat pretzels or chips, I feel horrible. After only one glass of wine, I wake up feeling hungover the next morning and for those of you who know me well, I love my wine and can definitely drink more than one glass and wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning ;)

I went on a bit of a zumba bender the last few days... Did the equivalent of 5 classes in three days. I was concerned that my new diet wouldn't hold up with strenuous activity. I was pleasantly surprised to have TONS of energy. Last night I effortlessly ran a mile prior to an hour of zumba. Piece of cake... vegan cake that is ;)

Here is my awesome lunch I've been having everyday - Baby greens, cucumber, carrot, radish, soy beans, tomato, wild rice, almond slivers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Laura cooks now - who knew?

Day 4 Food Journal
-oatmeal with granola, flax, cinnamon, dried blueberries; spinach, mushrooms, broccoli with organic ketchup
-wakame, roasted veggies, veggie sushi (**see detailed ingredients below - courtesy of Google)
-3 pumpkin raspberry muffincakes (yeah yeah, I know...but they were small!)
-pumpkin vegan chili***, orange

**Roasted Veggie Medley 
Parsnips, Carrots, Rutabaga, Golden Beets, Arbequina Olive Oil, Kosher Salt

**Roasted Mushroom Medley 
Crimini, Oyster, Button Mushrooms, Sherry Vinegar, Garlic, Tarragon, Olive Oil, Kosher Salt, Cracked Black Pepper

**Veggie Roll 
Cucumber, Organic Rice, Vinegar, Nori, wasabe

**Wakame Salad 
Dried Seaweed, Rice Vinegar, Sesame Oil, Sugar, Sea Salt, Chili Flakes, Sesame Seeds, Soy Sauce, Ginger

***Recipe for pumpkin vegan chili
-garlic, red pepper, 2 jalapenos, onion, mushrooms, can of diced tomatoes, can of pumpkin, 1 cup water, can of rinsed kidney beans, Smart Ground, cumin, chili powder, cayenne - all to taste.

I also made a version of "Alicia's Magical Healing Soup" with water, daikon, carrots, red onion, celery, bok choy, leek, button mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, broccoli, cubed tofu, and a splash of tamari. Simple and satisfying.  Even Angela liked it!  After making the chili and soup, I divided them into little Tupperware containers for freezing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Laura: Bring on the parties

After struggling through the mother of all dessert parties on Saturday, I had to face a 4 hour Super Bowl Party...filled with more non-vegan goodies.  That's why I armed myself with chips & guacamole.

Day 3 Food Journal
-oatmeal with banana, flax seed, craisins, maple syrup, cinnamon
-chips and homemade guacamole
-pumpkin muffincakes with vegan choco chips (the Duncan Hines Devils Food cake mix does not contain animal products...just lots of, ya know, sugar). I made these for a coworker's bday.

My colorful produce from the Mountain View Farmers Market:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Laura: My new friend Kukicha

When I steeped my first bag of kukicha tea, I peered into the murky brown mug, took a whiff, and backed away, shaking my head.  No, this is NOT what I signed up for!  Then I took a sip.  Simply delightful!  Not bitter or overpowering at all!  I very much enjoyed every swig of the twig tea.  ;-) Read about it's health benefits here!

Day 2 Food Journal:
-steel cut oats with craisins, cinnamon, maple syrup, flax seed; kukicha tea
-multi grain chips with hummus; orange
-pretzels, tortilla chips, salsa, raw veggies, candy hearts, vegan red wine

I would like to note that we went to a Valentine's Day Party where sweets abounded.  I was in hell.  This is a sample of what I had to pass up...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Shannon: Moroccan Couscous... You make my heart go pitter patter :)

This is so good! It's onion, butternut squash, carrot, and zucchini roasted in the oven with olive oil, salt and pepper. In the meantime, whole wheat couscous is cooking with some cumin, curry or saffron, salt and pepper, earth balance, and vegetable broth. When both are finished you combine and voila!... you have one kick butt vegan dinner.

Laura: Cheers to commitment!

I have been so excited for today to come!  Then why have I put off full-fledged veganism, you ask?  I am addicted to sugar, haven't wanted to monitor the sneaky animal products that appear in my work cafeteria's food, and enjoy the occasional ice cream binge. Yeah, I'm a real winner.  But today, as I start my new healthy lifestyle with Shannon, I am full of hope for the benefits that result in eliminating meat, dairy, and processed sugar from my diet...
-weight loss
-sleep sounder/longer
-have more energy
-feel stronger
-run/hike longer/easier
-boycott animal cruelty/suffering
-reduce global warming
-support local farmers
-clear skin
-reduce illness occurance
-feel happy, healthy, and confident!

However, I foresee some temptations ahead...
-froyo (frozen yogurt)
-Valentine's Day treats
-cupcakes at parties
-dark chocolate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

...and other challenges...
-unsupportive friends/family/coworkers who will force nasty foods on me and belittle me
-chewing consciously more times than I'm used to
-cooking with unfamiliar foods (ie. daikon, quinoa, sea vegetables)
-reading every ingredient list thoroughly for hidden animal products
-being the awkward picky friend who customizes their order at restaurants (oh wait, I'm already that friend...)

So now that the sugar and dairy bingeing is out of my system for the week, I charge ahead into veganism!

Day 1 Food Journal:
-brown rice/broccoli/onion/fennel**/mushrooms/red pepper flakes/Asian hot sauce/garlic (leftovers from last night) The vegetables are all from the farmers market.
-"Going Native" green curry veggies (green beans, eggplant, carrots, potatoes), Kettle organic multigrain tortilla chips with Tribe classic hummus
-Pure Decadence coconut vanilla ice cream (AMAZING.)
-falalfel wrap, fruit salad, Rice Dream

*I purchased a 10 pound bag of Navel oranges from the farmers market for $7, so I eat them all the time.
**It turns out I don't love fennel - it takes way too much like it should: like anise and black licorice. Eww.

Shannon: No longer flirting... this is for real!

Ok, it's time to take the leap... It's something I've been thinking about for years. This week while traveling for work I did a bit more serious flirting with being vegan and it wasn't hard. Some butter snuck into a meal and then I chose to eat some cheese a couple nights at dinner. I have to say that the cheese and butter were not the highlights of my meals. I was completely satisfied and I lost 3 lbs without even trying. I feel great!

I got home yesterday, went to the store, and prepared to go full force ahead into my new lifestyle.

My new bliss :)

Maybe the next two month test will turn into a lifetime commitment!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Laura: Preparing to flirt

I heart Andronico's Market.

Kelp noodles, firm tofu, earth balance buttery spread, daikon, spelt noodles, fennel, Pure Decadence coconut ice cream, Morning Star meal starter crumbles, etc.   Who's excited!!?!!    (Please disregard the Ben & Jerry's ice cream...I don't know who brought that into my house.)